Thursday, November 30, 2006

Tate Modern, you old rascal you!

For the last several months music has been hit with a rash a really bad rock balladesque songs. There is 3 that come to mind. One is "through glass" by Stone Sour. If you dont know much about this band, let me tell ya. Its fronted by the singer of a Slipnot. If you've heard Slipnot then listened to Stone Sour you'd want to punch Corey Taylor in the face. What puss bitch rock music this is! If your band has headlined a show that included papa roach, linkin park, and disturbed, dont be hardcore then put out this crap.

Next is Hinders' "lips of an Angel". God i hate this song! Everything about this song makes me wanna tear my hair out. Its not even a song, he could speak these words without singing them. Make lyrics up for god sake. Are you that lazy? Now these yahoos will live off this one song for the rest of there lives. Assholes!

Last is Blue October "Hate Me". Now this song isnt that bad. But it could be so much more harder and edgier. But these guys sing like pusses. Get a set of balls. Take a lesson from Three Days Grace. Listen to thier songs and see how its done.

Music has been in a decline. I'm hoping within the next year something new comes around. I've heard rumors of new boybands coming around. I guess they are due.

Now i came across an article that was titled "ART with a soundtrack". A little history before i tell about the article. probably about 3-4 months ago i was at work at quadrant and i was listening to my Ipod. I was listening to Disturbed or 30 seconds to Mars, one of those, and i was thinking about when i was going to start painting or drawing again. one idea let into another, and i finally thought, this song(the one i was currently listening to)would be great to play at an exhibit, my exhibit. To have an album or a collection of music be specific for my art. instead of having some know-it-all tell me what i was feeling or thinking when i did this piece, i could let them know by playing the type of music to convey that. Brilliant, right? i thought so. and i had intentions on doing some research to see if this idea has ever been put into play. But of course i got sidetracked and never did. Now just a couple of days ago i come across this article that the Tate Modern( is doing just this thing! That is fucking mind blowing. Now im not saying that im inovative, but its just weird that i was thinking this and the idea is being used by a major gallery. I really think this should be done more often, and actually become commomplace. You wanna find a way to get a younger generation into a gallery and try and reach some, i think more and more artist should do this. It could break a relative unknown wide open, and give some of us hope of making it without knowing somebody who knows somebody.